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一、Teaching aims and demands.

二、Organization. be omitted.



A: When did you get up yesterday?

A: What did you do after you got up?

B: I my hands and face quickly and my breakfast.

A: Were you busy yesterday?

B: Yes, I . I my homework first, and then I to see my friends. We many animals. And we hills in the park.

We a good time. We back home very late.

A: Where did you have your lunch?

B: We our lunch in the park. We had milk and bread lunch.

When I back home very late.

A: Did you go to bed early or late?

I to bed early. I didn’t TV last night.

四、Teaching of new lesson.

1.Listening. Listen to the tape for L66, then read after it aloud.

1)This is a doctor’s waiting room in a hospital.


doctor’s waiting room,意为“候诊室”。同样的表达还有the doctor’s room及下文中的the doctor’s door.

2)Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?


it在这里是指to learn to wait,放在动词think之后,作宾语,necessary作为宾语补足语。类似的句子如:

Do you think it useful to make such a machine?


3)At the head of the queue was an old woman.


这是一个倒装句,正常的语序应为An old woman was at the head of the queue .

at the head of意为“在……的前(面)”;

at the end of意为“在……的后(面)”,它们是一对反义词组。

4)She was in the city to visit her daughter. 她到城里来看女儿。

动词不定式“to visit her daughter”在句中作目的状语。如:

She went to visit her grandmother twice a month.


5)…because her knees hurt badly. ……因为她的膝盖受了重伤。


Did her back hurt badly? 她的背部受了重伤吗?

6)If I get there early, I can see the doctor quickly.



If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased.


If you ask him, he will come. 如果你请他,他就会来。

7)She sat nearest to the doctor’s door. 她坐在靠诊室最近的地方。

句中nearest to是短语near to(意为“靠近”、“接近” )的最高级;比较级是nearer to。又如:

John ask me to sit nearer to him. 约翰请我靠他近一些坐着。

Tianjin is the biggest city nearest to Beijing. 天津是最靠近北京的大城市。

8)She stood up and took his arm. 她站起来,抓住他的手臂。

take sb.’s arm,意为“抓住某人的手臂”;

类似的有,take sb.’s hand(s),“握住某人的手(双手)”。又如:

She took the old woman’s hands and laughed.


9)You’re all after me! 你们都在我后面!

after me是介词短语在句中作表语。如:

We are all in the classroom. 我们全都在教室里。

10)Everyone laughed at the woman’s mistake.


laugh at,意为“因……而发笑”或“嘲笑”的意思。又如:

Don’t laugh at her. 不要嘲笑她。

Why do you laugh at my story? 你为什么嘲笑我的经历?

五、Design for exercises.


熟读课文内容;完成Wb L66 Exx. 1-3.

2.Additional exercises.

A. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子:

3. Her so she didn’t go to school. (腿受伤)

4. The old man sat (在……的前面)the house.

6. She is carry the water.(年龄太小)

B.阅读短文并判断句子正误,对的填“T” ,错的填“F”:

Once there were two mice(鼠). They were friends. One mouse lived in the country(乡下). The other mouse lived in the city. After many years the country mouse saw the city mouse. He said, “Do come and see me at my house in the country.” So the city mouse went. The country mouse took him to his house in a field. He gave him the nicest food. The city mouse said, “This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You must come and live in the city. You can live in a nice house made of stones (石头). You can have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city.” The country mouse went to the house of the city mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The city mouse cried, “Run! Run! The cat is coming!” They ran away and hide. (躲藏).

After some time they came out. When they came out, the country mouse said, “I don’t like living in the city. I like living in my hole (洞) in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy than to be rich and afraid.”

1.The country mouse asked the city mouse to come to his house in the field.

2.The city mouse went to see the country mouse.

3.The country mouse lived in a hole in the field.

4.The city mouse was as poor as the country mouse.

5.The city mouse was found of living in the country.

6.The country mouse didn’t go to see the city mouse.

7.There was not any nice food at the house of the city mouse .

8.The cat came when the two mice began to eat the nice food.

9.The cat ate the country mouse.

10.The country mouse did not like to live in the city.


A. 1.to laugh at the others 2.waiting for 3.leg hurt

4.in front of 5.nearest to 6.too young to


一、 Teaching aims and demands.


二、 Organization. be omitted.

三、 Teaching of new lesson.



1)There’s a little oil on it. 上面有点油。

There are a few chopsticks in it.里面有些筷子。


(2)a few表示“一些”,后接可数名词,反义词是many / a lot of,而few则表示否定,意为“很少”,“几乎没有”;也修饰可数名词。

a little也表示“一些”,后接不可数名词,反义词是much / a lot of,而little表示否定,意为“几乎没有”,也修饰不可数名词。如:

I have a few apples. 我有几粒苹果。

He has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。

There is a little water in it. 里面有点水。

I have little money. 我没什么钱。

a little还可作程度状语,修饰形容词、副词及它们的比较级,表示“一点儿”,“有点儿”。如:

The dress is a little small. 衣服小了一点。

The box is a little smaller than that one. 这只箱子比那只小了一点。

2)They eat a lot of potatoes. So do we.

So do we, 意为“我们也一样”。“So…”句型是常用交际用语。句中的so可代替上文的名词、动词或形容词等。意为“同样”,“也如此”。

“So+do(be, have, can, will等)+主语”,表示上述的情况(或动作)也适合于后句主语的情况。使用中要注意前、后句的时态一致,后句的助词必须和后句的主语一致。如:

I can swim. So can he.

I am a teacher. So is he.

在对话中,如果表示情况“不一样”,“不如如此”,则用Oh,we don’t. 或Oh,I’m not.等表示。如:

--They eat uncooked fish. 他们吃生鱼。

--Oh, we don’t. 噢,我们不这么吃。

3.Drills and practice. Be omitted.

四、Design for exercises.


熟读课文,掌握So do we句型,掌握已学过的食物类名词。完成Wb L57 Exx. 1-3.

2.Additional exercises.

5. some meat 6. a lot of cabbages

7. a little butter 8. pass me the cheese

9. Help yourself to fish 10. the French fries


1.凯特生日那天将举行欢聚会。 Kate is going to a on her .

2.他们确实喜欢那场比赛。 They the match.

3.他看一个苹果落到地上。 He saw an apple the ground.

4.为什么不找点儿喝的?Why not drink?

5.你很快会好。You will soon again.


A. 1.two glasses of orange 2.one kilo of beef 3.many / a lot of tomatoes

4.three bottles of water 5.一些肉 6.许多卷心菜 7.一些/ 一点黄油

B. 1.have, party, birthday 2.really enjoy(like) 3.fall, to

4.find, something, to 5.be, well


一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、Organization. Be omitted.


1.Put the following into Chinese, then learn them by heart.

1) factory, farm, school, college, hospital, park, cinema, zoo;

2) train station, police station, office, post office, bus station, bus stop, toilet, men’s room, ladies room;

3) book shop, fruit shop, clothing shop, shoe shop, watch shop;

4) the People’s Hospital, the Great Wall Cinema, the East Hill School,

Jiefang Park, Xinhua Bookshop.

四、Teaching of new lesson.

1.Sum up the patterns of asking the way. (归纳“问路”句型及应答。)

1)回答Where’s the(nearest)…? 时,可用简单答语,如:

It’s in front of the…. It’s outside the…

It’s next to…. It’s over there. 等等。

2)回答Which is the way to…, please? 和How can I get to…? 等问话时,可根据具体情况运用以下句子组织起来使用:

Walk along this road / street. It’s about…metres from here.

Go on until you reach the end of the end of the road / street.

You’ll see the…in front of you. 等等。

2.本单元学习中还要注意may,can,maybe,may be 等的用法与区别。


Listen to the tape for Lesson 64, then read after it aloud.

1)I want to be there by eleven.


They can finish the work by three o’clock. 他们能在三点以前干完活。

2)…after her day’s shopping in Tokyo.


3)…She asked a man next to her. ……她问旁边的一个人。

4)It’s only about five minutes’ walk… 大约只有5分钟的路程……

5)…you’ll get there just in time. ……你会及时赶到那里。

in time. “及时”,表示“不存在时间的迟早问题”。又如:

You’re just in time for the football match. 你恰好赶上看足球赛。

They arrived here in time. 他们及时到达了。

6)…and started to make her way back to the restaurant.


(1)start to do sth. 意为“开始做某事”,常可用begin to do sth.替换

(2)make one’s way to… 往……走去。又如:

Now he made his way to school. 现在他往学校去了。

7)Just then, a policeman came up… 正在这时,一个警察走来了……

come up,在句中意为“走出来”,“走过来”。又如:

When the crocodile came up again, the monkey was all wet.


8)Mrs. Lee thanked the policeman for his help.

thank sb. for sth. 意为“为了某事而感谢某人”。如:

I thank for him for the book. 我感谢他(给)的这本书。


We thank him for giving us the computer. 我们感谢他送了一台电脑给我们。

9)Well , it’s easy to get lost in a big city like “Tokyo.”


五、Design for exercises.


熟读课文,复习全单元的每点句型、短语;复习、掌握can,may的用法。完成Wb L64 Exx. 1-6;基础好的同学,要求完成Ex 7的“阅读”与写作。

2.Additional exercises.

A.用can,may or must填空,并把它们译成中文:

1. A: I use your bike? B: OK. Here you are.

2. You look worried. What I do for you?

3. It’s late. I’m afraid I go now.

4. Let’s ask the old man. He know.

5. She is not at home. She go out for a walk.


1. Can you tell me how can I get there?

2. How long does it take him to get there by a bus?

3. Her address maybe in one of your pockets.

4. We’ll go work on the farm next week.

5. It is more hotter today than yesterday.


( )1.You’d better your homework first.

( )2.What’s with you?

A. matter B. the wrong C. trouble D. the matter

( )3.Let’s ask the man. He know.

( )4.How long will it me there?

A. get B. bring C. take D. carry

( )5. kind girl she is! A. What good

B. How good C. What a good D. How a good

( )6.The box is too heavy. I lift.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. may not

( )7.-Must we do some cleaning now?

-No, you . You go home. A. mustn’t, may

B. mustn’t, must C. needn’t, may D. can’t, can


A. 1.May 2.can 3.must 4.may(must) 5.may

B. 1. C. I can 2.D. by bus 3.A. may be 4.B. to work 5.A. much


一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、Organization. Be omitted.


四、Teaching of new lesson.

1.Listen to the tape and do the exercises on Page 76.

2.Listening: Listen to the tape for Lesson 68, then read after it alound.

3.Drills and practice:

1) Read the sentences and then write “Right” or “Wrong” about them.

2) Complete the words and then write the story in your own words.

1)Stop making to much noise!

该句是祈使句。Stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”。noise是不可数名词,没有复数形式。如:

There is so much noise in the room. I can’t do anything in it.


2)Don’t invite too many. 不要邀请太多的人。

该句是否定式祈使句。它由Don’t +动词原形构成的。如:

Don’t shout at the old man. 别对那位老人叫喊。

3)You are telling people that they must go at 9:00.



They said that they were having a good time at the party.


4)In fact, they were still there at midnight when the doorbell rang…


in fact是介词短语当时间状语,at midnight意为“在半夜”,midnight前面不加冠词。when是连词,引导时间状语从句。

5)They felt sorry they had to leave.


had to是have to的过去式。they had to leave是宾语成分。

五、Design for exercises.


熟读课文内容,完成Wb L68, Exx.

2.Additional exercises.


1.Jack can help me to do the work.(改为一般疑问句)

2.What does Li Ping usually want to do on Sunday morning?.(用nest Sunday morning改写)

3.Liu Ying is never late for school.(改为反意疑问句)

4.They will go skating tomorrow. It won’t rain.(用if连成复合句)

B. 汉译英:

1. 我弟弟四岁时他会读和写了。 .

2. 现在她能照顾自己。 .

3. 他听到那消息时哭得很伤心。 .

4. 她想替自己买台电脑。 .


A. 1.Can Jack help you to do the work?

2.What will Li Ping want to do next Sunday morning?

3.Liu Ying is never late for skating.

B. 1. My young brother could read and write when he was four.

2.She can look after herself now.

3.He felt was very sadly when he heard the news.

4.She wants to buy herself a computer.





3.复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:How about…? What about…? Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.等。

4.新单词:chicken, tofu, fridge, list, shopping list, buy, kilo

句型:What do we have for dinner this evening?

Fish is my favourite.

What else do you want to have?

Don’t we have any eggs?

Let me make a shopping list.

You can help me carry the things.




Step 1 Revision


What do you have for breakfast today?

Shall we go and buy something to eat?

What’s in the pictures? Let me see. What do we have for lunch today?

How about…? What about…?

What else do you want to have?

Can you go and buy the things? Let’s go.等。老师也可以同样的方式提问全班同学。


Step 2 Presentation

[课件展示]教师在复习食品名称基础上,引出购物的话题。教授有关食品新单词chicken, tofu, fridge, tomato, onion, carrot, pork 教师可以点击 播放单词录音让学生跟读,掌握好单词的标准发音。然后教师教单词list, shopping list, buy, buy things, kilo, one kilo of chicken legs 引导根据所学习的新单词,学生回答句子:What do you have for lunch today? What else do you want to have? What do we have in the fridge? Can you go and buy the things?

Step 3 Read and say

[课件展示]教师点击图片可以播放影片让学生观看,播放课文对话录音 让学生跟读课文对话,尽可能的模仿录音中的语音语调,教师再点击鼠标出现以下有关问题:

What’s in the fridge? Is there any fish in the fridge?

Are there any chicken legs in the fridge?

Don’t we have any eggs in the fridge?

Why do they go shopping?


Step 4 shopping list


根据课文的购物单自行设计一个自己的购物单, 教师让个别学生读出自己的购物单,互相比较看看谁设计的购物单最合适。

Step 5 practice

[课件展示]在学生之前设计好了购物单的情况下,老师让学生观看课件中的超市图片,假设学生在周末和父母去市场买东西。 然后教师再点击鼠标,课件中就会显现出商店所卖的商品和价目表,让学生根据图片和价目表自编一个对话:一人为售货员,一人为顾客,教师可以引导学生使用这几句话:Can I help you? I’d like ….. Here you are. Here is the money. 对话可长可短,因人而异。

Step 6 Consolidation



一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、 Organization. be omitted.

三、 Revision.

hospital, cinema, the People’s Park, college, shopping, centre bridge…

2. Review the sentence patterns of “Asking the way.” e.g.

a.A:Excuse me. Where’s the post office?

B:Walk along this street and take the first turning on the right.

You’ll see it in front of you.

A:Many thanks. / Thanks. / Thank you very much / …

B:Not at all. / It’s a pleasure. / You’re welcome. / …

b. A:Excuse me. Is there a cinema near here?

B:I’m sorry. I don’t know.

A:Thank you all the same.

A:Excuse me. How can I get to the East Hill College?

B:Sorry . I don’t know. You’d better ask a policeman.

A:Thank you all the same.

四、 Teaching of new lesson.


Listen to the tape for Lesson 61. Read after it aloud.


Ask students to practice “A”、 “B” using the phrases in L61 Part 3.

1)…the way to the library? ……去图书馆的路。


Is it the way to the People’s Park? 这是去人民公园的路吗?

2)Go on until you reach the end. 你走下去直尽头。


I will wait until he comes back. 我要等到他回来。

He didn’t stop to rest until he finished the work. 他做完工作才休息。

3)You can’t miss it. 你不能走(错)过它。(意为“不要走过了头。” )


He missed the 6:30 train. 他没赶上六点三十分的那辆火车。

五、Design for exercises.


背诵课文Part 2;牢固掌握“问路”、“回答别人问路”等常见用语掌握表示地方名称的单词、词组。完成Wb L61 Exx. 1-2.

2.Additional exercises.


5. outside(反义词) 6. policeman(复数形式)

--Excuse me, is there a post office near here?

--Yes, there is. Walk a this road and t the s turning on the r . Go on u you reach the t lights. You’ll find it.

--Is it f f here?

--Yes, you’d b t a bus.

-- W b shall I take, please?

--The No.6 bus w t you there.

--Thank you.

--You’re w .


A. 1.dangerous 2.turning 3.swam 4.sun 5.inside 6.policemen

7.turn left 8.policestation 9.at the shopping centre 10.Chinese bank

B. 1.along 2.take 3.second 4.right 5.until 6.traffic 7.far 8.from 9.better 10.take 11.Which 12.bus 13.will 14.take 1


一、 Teaching aims and demands.


二、 Organization. be omitted.

三、 Revision.

Check the words and sentence patlerns. Like that:


四、 Teaching of new lesson.






Listen to the tape for L58, then read after it aloud.

2)…one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips.


(1) kinds of,意为“各种各样的”。

kind of后面的可数名词的单数或复数形式与kind的单复数形式一致。即:kinds of跟可数名词的复数形式,kind of跟可数名词的单数形式。如:

this kind of bike. 这一种自行车。

kind of 也可跟不可数名词。如:

What kind of paper do you want? 你要哪一种纸?

(2)fish and chips,指“炸鱼和炸土豆条”。

in a fish and chip shop, 意为“一家(主要)卖炸鱼和炸土豆条的食品店”,此时chip不加s。

3)But the world’s favourite food isn’t English, Italian, Indian or Japanese. 但是世界上最受欢迎的食品,不是英国的、意大利的、印度的和日本的食品。


4)It seems that American fast food is the most popular in the world.




(1) 跟that从句,又如:

It seems that no one knows the machine. 似乎没人了解那架机器。

(2) 跟动词不定式,如:They seemed not to notice it. 他们好像没注意到它。

5)…you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.


find sb. doing sth.意为“看到、发现某人正在做某事”。


I heard someone singing in the next room yesterday evening.


6)People enjoy Chinese food because it has different tastes and is usually very delicious. 人们喜欢中国菜,因为它味道丰富而且可口。

这是一个主从复合句,句中because引导一个表示原因的状语从句(本句的从句同时又由二个并列句组成)。because 引导的内容常用来回答why的提问。如:

Why he was absent(缺席)yesterday ? 昨天他为什么缺席?

(It is )Because he was ill. 因为他病了。

7)Do you think pizza is very popular in China?


No, I don’t think so. 不,我认为不流行。

这是本单元须重点掌握的,另一个表示“同意”或“不同意”的句型。又如:Do you think the film is a good one? 你认为那是部好影片吗?

Yes, I think so. / No, I don’t think so. 是的,我同意。/ 不,我不同意。

Chocolate is good for your health. Do you agree?


Yes, I agree. / No, I don’t really agree. 是的,我同意。/ 不,我并不同意。


Dad, I want to play football this afternoon. Do you agree?


Yes, I agree. / No, I don’t really agree. 是的,我同意。/ 不,我不同意。

五、Design for exercises.


熟读课文Part 2;背诵课文Part 3,熟练掌握二个句型。完成Wb L58 Exx. 1-2.(第2题可与同桌同学共同完成。)

2.Additional exercises.

1.John likes fish and chips.(改为否定句)

John fish chips.

2.The most popular food is fried chicken in the USA.(划线提问)

the most popular food in the USA?

3.I’d like a cup of tea.(一般疑问句) a cup of tea?

4.They often take the things home. (划线提问)

they often the things.

5.Jim likes tomatoes better than any other vegetable.(改为同义句)

Jim likes of vegetables.

6.Mr. Green goes for a walk after supper sometimes.(同上)

Mr. Green a walk after supper .

7.They also like fruit and meat. (同上) They like fruit and meat, .

8.Fish and chips is my favourite. (同上)

I fish and chips .


( )1.Li Lei often has some noodles for lunch. .

A. So do I B. So I do C. So I don’t D. So don’t I

( )2.Which is in America, fish and chips or pizza?

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most

( )3.--Would you like some oranges? -- .

C. No, I don’t D. No, I don’t think so

( )4.Let’s go and our fish and chips outside.

A. eat B. to eat C. ate D. eat to

( )5.I think autumn is the best season. It is not cold too hot.

Do you agree me?

A. and, to B. or, too C. and, with D. or, with

( )6.Will you go shopping with me this afternoon? .

A. I like B. Of cause. I’d love to.

C. Sure. I’d like D. Yes, I like


A. 1.大米 2.猪肉 3.粥 4.饺子dumplings 5.胡萝卜carrots

6.鸡肉 7.糖果 8.黄油 9.牛肉 10.乳酪 11.葡萄grapes 12.盐

B. 1.doesn’t, like, and 2.What, is 3.Would, you, like 4.Where, do, take

5.tomatoes, best, all 6.takes, at, times 7.too 8.like, very, much


一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、Organization. be omitted.

三、Teaching of new lesson.


Listen to the tape for Lesson 65. then read after it aloud.


1) Ask students to make sentences 1.2.

2) 让师生之间进行以下对话练习:

T: Be more careful! S:You must be more careful!

T: Don’t play on the road!

S:You mustn’t play on the road!

3) 让学生以口、笔形式英汉互译以下句子:

1)You must look after your books. 2)I must ring him this afternoon.

3)You must finish the work in time. 4)She must stay in bed.

5)They must clean the bedroom. 6)I mustn’t be late for class.

7)We mustn’t move anything in the room.

8)You mustn’t touch the things in a shop. 9)He mustn’t leave so early.

10)They mustn’t bring animal here. 11)What must we do after lunch?

12)When must I finish my homework?

13)Who must go to the meeting? 14)Why must we learn English?

15)Where must we go and find the twins?

1)You must be more careful! 你应当更加小心!


I must go now and he must stay here. 现在我必须走,他应当留在这里。

2)That car nearly hit you. 那辆小汽车几乎撞到你。


The ball hit the window. 球打到窗户上。

3)You mustn’t cross the road. 你不能穿过马路。

mustn’t是must的否定式,其意思是“禁止,不许可,一定不要”。带must的一般疑问句,其肯定答语为“Yes, …must”;其否定答语一般用“No,… needn’t.”;needn’t是情态动词need的否定式,意思是“不需要”,“不必”。要注意must的否定答语,不能用它的否定式来回答,必须用needn’t。又如:

Must I come to school before half past seven?

Yes, you must. No, you needn’t.

Must he finish the work before nine o’clock?

Yes, he must. No, he needn’t.

Must they hand in their exercises today?

Yes, they must. No, they needn’t.

4)If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light.


该句是含有条件状语从句的复合句。主、从句的时态都用一般现在时。to cross是动词不定式作动词的want宾语。

wait for是“等候”的意思,后面跟某物或某人。如:

Please wait for me at the school gate. 请在校门口等我。

Look! They are waiting for a bus over there.


5)It’s better to wait and be safe. 安全地等着是更好的。

it是形式主语,to wait and be safe是动词不定式当真正的主语。safe是dangerous的反义词;cross是动词谓语,意为“过”、“穿过”、“越过”;注意不要与介词across相混淆,应加以区别。如:

Walk across the street, please. 请步行过街。

6)You must not cross in front of the traffic. 你不应该在交通灯前面穿过。

must not可缩写为mustn’t表示“禁止”。后面跟动词原形。in front of是介词短语。在句中当地点状语。如:

He sits in front of my seat. 他坐在我座位的前面。

7)If the traffic light is red, you must stop.



The light in the room is very dark. 房间里的光线很暗。

8)When you get off the bus, you mustn’t push others.


“When…” 是时间状语从句,其时态是一般现在时,主句的时态用一般现在时。mustn’t是must not的缩写形式。表示“禁止”、“不应该”。如:

We mustn’t talk aloud in class. 在课堂我们不该高声谈话。

五、Design for exercises.


熟读本课里的内容;完成Wb L65 Exx. 1-2.

2.Additional exercises.

1. 我可以走了? 不,你必须留下。 .

2. 我们必须按时完成作业。 .

3. 你不能在马路上踢足球。 .

4. 我们不应该浪费(waste)时间。 .

5. 你不应该错过这部电视剧,它好极了。 .

6. 我几乎忘记了你的名字。 .


A. 1.hit 2.dangerous 3.crossed 4.easy 5.traffics 6.care

7.pleasure 8.hurt 9.around 10.thinner

B. 1.May I go now? No, you must stay. 2.We must finish our homework in time. 3.You mustn’t play football on the road. 4.We mustn’t waste our time. 5.You mustn’t miss the TV play, it is wonderful. 6.I nearly forget your name.


一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、Organization. be omitted.

Answer the following questions.

1. Where did the old woman live?

2. Why did she want to see the doctor?

3. Why did she take the Indian’s arm?

4. Why did she talk slowly?

5. What did the doctor say?

6. Why did everyone laugh?

四、Teaching of new lesson. (用幻灯显示)

1. Listening:Listen to the tape for Lesson 67, then read after aloud.

2. Drills and practice:

1) Read and act dialogue 1 in pairs.

2) Learn the sentences and then repeat them.

3) Complete the following sentences (1-10).

1)Why are you (still) in bed? 你为什么还在床上?

in bed,意为“睡觉”、“在床上”、“卧床”;名词bed前面不加定冠词,谓语动词一般用be,强调状态。又如:

She is in bed with a cold. 她感冒卧床(休息了)。

Don’t read in bed. It’s bad for your eyes.


2)You must get up and get ready for school.


get ready for sth. 意为“为某事做好准备”。如:

We must get ready for class. 我们必须做好上课准备。

3)If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.



If it doesn’t rain tomorrow we’ll go skating.


4)I don’t feel very well.



I’m quite well. Thank you. 我身体很好。谢谢。

5)What’s wrong? 你怎么啦?

What’s wrong与What’s the matter的意义及用法一样,可以接介词with把问及的人或事物连起来。如:

What’s the matter with your eyes? (What’s wrong with your ears?)


6)…you mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor.


…not …until…,意为“直到……才……”。如:

He didn’t learn to swim until he was ten. 他直到十岁才学会游泳。

I don’t know anything about it until you told me.


When she reached home she had a short rest. 当她到家时歇了一会儿。

After I finished my homework, I went to bed. 做完作业之后我才去睡觉。

He thought hard before he began to write. 他写作前构思了许多。



I am going to be a doctor when I grow up. 我长大后要当医生。

五、Design for exercises.


熟读课本里对话和句子;完成Wb L67 Exx. 1-3.

2.Additional exercises.



only ten minutes walk to the train station.


At of the is old worker.


you the pen the room.


When I , my father a .

5.并不是每个人都会包饺子。 can make dumplings.


1. 他做完了作业后休息一会儿。 .

2. 你姐姐当医生前在哪里上学? .

3. 昨天你回家时天正下着雨吗? .

4. 如果你小心点就不会伤着自己。 .

5. 电影完了他们才乘公共汽车回家。 .


1.The boy went there by bus.

The boy the bus get there.

2.Get up early and you’ll be in time.

You don’t get up early, you’ll be .

3.At that time trains didn’t run very fast.

At that time trains very .

4.He looked round but he saw nothing.

He looked round but he see .

5.People were enjoying themselves at that time.

People were a at that time.

1. Do you know who likes sing in your class?

2. When the teacher came in, the students stopped to talk.

3. I’ll get back it soon.


A. 1.It takes, to 2.the head, queue, an 3.Maybe, put, in 4.Not everyone

B. 1.When he finished his homework, he had a short rest.

2.Where did your sister study before she became a doctor?

3.Was it raining when you came home yesterday?

4.If you are more careful, you won’t hurt yourself.

5.They didn’t go home until the film was over.

C. 1.took, to 2.If , late 3.ran, slowly 4.didn’t, anything

D. 1. D, singing 2. D, talking 3. C, it back



1、能够听、说、读、写本课短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train。

2、能够听、说、认读短语 by plane,by ship,by subway。

3、能用句子“How do you go to school?How do you go to …? By ….”来询问和回答人们日常出行的方式。

4、能够听懂、会唱Let’s chant的歌谣。


1、学习Let’s learn部分的train,plane,ship,subway几个单词。


3、听、说、读、写本课短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train。

4、听、说、认读短语 by plane,by ship,by subway。



2、用句子“How do you go to school? How do you go to …? By ….”来询问和回答人们日常出行的方式。

3、描述出行方式的英语表达法多是由 “by + 交通工具名称”构成,只有“走路”一词要用介词on。


1、教学过程中所需的录音(Let’s learn, Let’s play)、课件、动画素材。

2、本课时(let’s learn部分)的单词短语的图片和卡片,以及(let’s chant部分)的单词短语卡片。

和学生一起看教材Let’s start部分,请学生说一说知道哪些交通工具。

1.教师点击课件:画面中出现 road 一词,教师提问:What can you think of from the word “road”?




5.教师点击课件,出现相应的词汇。这些词汇可以是学生说到的,也可以是学生没有说到的。如:car jeep bus taxi people police shops building bike kite traffic lights driver train plane ship subway trolley bus。



2.引导学生读出符合拼读规律的单词,教师给予必要的帮助:ship 中字母i读短音/i/;plane是开音节, 字母a读/ ei /;train中ai字母组合读作/ei /。subway教师可以带读。


4.在没有地铁的地方,教师可以进一步解释:It’s an underground railway in a city. It travels very fast.增强学生的印象。

5.教师播放Let’s learn A部分单词的录音,让学生跟读单词,纠正发音。






2.教师在学生小结的基础上How do you go to …?